As with any exam, the key to success is to plan your study accordingly. Start by choosing your testing date and drafting a detailed weekly or monthly study plan. After that, make preparations according to the time you have left for the exam. In case you are taking the US CPA exam in India, it is important to complete the required subjects ahead of time. Then, prepare your study materials as per the time remaining. To ensure success, prepare for the exam in small chunks, one at a time.
The US CPA exam consists of four papers, each consisting of multiple-choice questions, a task-based simulation, and a written component. Students will take the exam online from the United States and a few selected other countries. The examination will be held in English or in one of the three regional languages. It will take around one year to complete a course for the US CPA exam. Students should study the content thoroughly before they take the exam.
If you wish to apply to become a US CPA, you must meet the eligibility requirements for the US Board of Accountancy. Depending on your country, you may have to pass a national exam as well. Most states don’t issue CPA certificates until all requirements have been met. During the process, you must submit your transcripts from universities in your country. You must also get them evaluated by an official US evaluation agency.
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