Often zombie debt collectors will call and ask you to pay your time-barred debt or even the obligations you do not own. In such a situation, you must remember that all the threats coming from them of suing you or filing a lawsuit are baseless. In reality, zombie debt collectors do not have any right to take legal action against you if you do not agree to pay the debt. However, you must ensure you do not put yourself in trouble by believing their fake promises or strategies.
Most zombie debt collectors are abusive and harass people to no extent. If you face such behavior, do not think before contacting a debt collection lawyer to get legal advice on your rights and how to tackle these scavengers.
Steps you should take if a zombie debt collection troubles you
Ask them to break contact.
The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act prohibits any debt collector from harassing or abusing you. Whether it is your stander debt collection office or a zombie debt collector, the FDCPA applies to all of them.
The FDCPA empowers the debt owners to break contact with the debt collector if they cross any boundaries or limits within the law. Although debt collectors are known for violating or ignoring the rules, you can take strict action against their misbehavior.
This law will protect you from getting scammed by a scavenger or zombie collector as you can ask them verbally or by sending an email never again to contact you. apps session
Confirm and challenge the debt
This is an essential step that every debt owner must follow if they get a call from a zombie debt collector. First, contact the creditor and ask them to provide written proof for all the information related to the debt. Verify it and then file a case against the creditor if the debt is not yours or expired.
However, if the debt is shown in your credit report, contact the credit bureau and send the dispute letter there. You can send them to one of these places: TransUnion, Equifax, or Experian powerful idea.
Clear the time-barred debts
Although there are some circumstances where the collector cannot sue you for your time-barred debt, like it might have reached the time limit, you must check your credit score and see if the debt is still being reviewed. If you notice the debt, ensure that you clear it as soon as possible to avoid any future zombie debt collectors contacting you.