Not getting a proper night’s restful sleep affects a surprising number of New Zealand men and women. It can affect a person’s wellness as their body and mind do not get the full recuperation time required. There are many different theories and methods available to help an individual that suffers from a lack of sleep, with some helping more than others.
Snoring can be something that keeps others awake, and can cause some embarrassing situations, especially for those newly in a relationship or sharing a room with friends. There are advances in technology which can assist them. Then there are sleep apnoea treatment options for sound sleep which many people will not have even considered.
Those who habitually snore, have disrupted sleep, are overweight, or who are continually feeling tired are advised to visit their doctor for a diagnosis. They can help their GP in advance by keeping a diary and full record of when they nap, are awake, sleeping, and wake up. The help of someone close to honestly monitor snoring will also be of great assistance.
This will allow a doctor to carry out a full physical examination, with advanced knowledge so that they can assess whether Sleep Apnoea treatment is appropriate. They will measure weight, BMI index, and examine the nose, mouth, and throat to ensure that the problem isn’t being caused by something such as polyps, which can lead to far more serious issues. A home-based monitor might be provided, or alternatively, professional sleep studies might be carried out in a sleep lab or centre.
Depending on the severity of the condition, several options will be considered. Sometimes it might be something as simple as advising losing weight, stopping smoking, or a reduction in alcohol levels that can do the trick. However, quite often it will involve using a CPAP machine, which will make use of a face or nasal mask which is attached to a small pump.
It utilises the air in the room and during sleep and gently pressurises it. This delivers it into the mouth or nose which keeps the tissues of the throat open to increase the flow of oxygen to allow a healthier night’s sleep. In extreme cases, laser treatment or surgery might be considered to provide a cure.
Being diagnosed by a doctor to see if Sleep Apnoea treatment can lead to an improved sleep and healthier body and mind.